To seek restoration for individuals and families through meeting the spiritual, physical, emotional and financial needs of people that God brings to our ministry.
Why: Generations of people in our county have suffered from many hurts, habits and hang-ups. Individuals are often the product of their environment due to choices of people around them or due to choices they have made. All Things New, Inc. was established with the intention of guiding people to hope through a transformation from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
How: All Things New, Inc. is the foundation organization that oversees a variety of opportunities that God has brought into our path. Opportunities include, but are not limited to, ministry volunteer coordinators for the Rankin County Jail, preparations for re-entry to society, local recovery programs, community outreaches, life skills education, assistance providing emergency food, shelter, clothing and transportation. Other opportunities as they arise.
We Believe:
The only way to overcome life's difficulties is through faith in Jesus Christ.
Meeting people’s physical needs helps remove the worries that can prevent them from seeing their spiritual needs.
Current habits can be overcome with life skills training.
Healthy basic life skills can be learned at any age.
Healing is available for your mental and emotional wounds through Jesus Christ.
"The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:40"